March 17, 2022

They use force

Woke up today thinking why do people prefer discussing war, which goes on over made up boundaries, in tanks that were bought for money that was stolen from the same people, and with sticks that were meant to be carrots in the first place, by those who elected the ones that started the war?

Seems that people have lost touch with self, with reality. Instead of caring about freedom, they care about informational viruses and informational safety. Instead of feeling what is around them, they prefer to believe unverifiable media resources.

It is sad seeing people fight themselves rather than evolving as a species. Whatever happened to the dreams of Carl Sagan, Jules Verne, Arthur C Clark? It is depressive to see people still believing that the old system is dominating. Wake up, Neo - it’s not! Simple M0 arithmetic (thanks to my friend Dima for the math) and simple value calculations will help you to understand that the shift has already happened! Look around you… We live in a full scale war. Informational, economical and physical. Those few beneficiaries that control the old system are making you pay.

Fuck old money. Fuck old power. Fuck old rules. FUCK rules. Fuck minority power. Not the minorities. Fuck all of those who see black and white.

Start searching and investigating these systems. They are here. They are taking over. Start being independent of social networks (the irony of these words…), delete tracking apps and messengers from your phone and PC. Stop using the dollar or the euro unless you must (remember that every time you do, you keep supporting war, famine, slavery and unethical experiments on which your government is spending money on from what they steal from you). Use alternative P2P tech wherever you can. Start accepting that data is more valuable. That’s their means of control. If they don’t control data, they don’t control you…

Start using web3 tech. Develop web3 tech. Become independent where you can. Go off grid. Smile more. Forget that nationality and borders are anything, but an instrument made to make you fear and afraid. Stop acting like a slave to the system. You have a number already. Get rid of it. Living in the system because the alternative is not ready and being a slave to that system are 2 different things.

It’s NOT about how many days you live in your life as a free citizen. It’s about how much life there was in each one of those days!